Thursday, October 13, 2011

It is indeed encouraging that an American citizen might soon be able to move to Michigan and find employment of his own choosing without having to forcibly submit to joining an outdated, brown-shirt, goose-stepping union organization whose historical ties to organized crime make the very idea repugnant (“Right-to-work drive gains steam in Michigan,” Web, Oct. 3).

The real shame is that 28 states still force such conditions on employees. How far the mighty have fallen when far too many unions are no better than the corporate bosses they proclaim to oppose. It is no wonder that union membership has declined. Unions now embrace the criminal, illegal alien culture because so many American employees have witnessed the thuggery and corruption in union activity.

Our Constitution grants us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the right to freedom of speech, assembly and religion. Why is it, then, that more than half of America prohibits me from obtaining a specific job without draconian rules of membership and a lemminglike existence? I should have the right to either join a union or not without fear of intimidation.



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