- Monday, October 10, 2011


Jobs’ death caused by respiratory arrest, cancer

SAN JOSE — A copy of Steve Jobs’ death certificate indicates the Apple co-founder died of respiratory arrest that resulted from pancreatic cancer that had spread to other organs.

Mr. Jobs died Wednesday at age 56. Apple Inc. didn’t disclose the cause of death, but Mr. Jobs had battled pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant in 2009.

He resigned as Apple’s CEO in August while on his third medical leave in several years.

The death certificate, released Monday by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, says Mr. Jobs died at his home in Palo Alto. No autopsy was performed.

Mr. Jobs died the day after Apple announced its latest iPhone, the iPhone 4S, which will go on sale Friday.


7 boaters survive 20 hours in waters; 1 dead

MIAMI — Seven people, including a 4-year-old girl, survived 20 hours at sea by clinging to their capsized boat and a small blue cooler after their vessel flipped during a fishing trip off the Florida Keys, officials said Monday.

An 80-year-old woman who was with the group is missing and presumed drowned. Three other women on board told rescuers they didn’t have time to grab life jackets for anyone except the girl when two waves suddenly flipped the boat off Long Key in choppy, rainy waters Saturday afternoon.

Three men on board tried to help the 80-year-old woman, but she went under the water within minutes of the 22-foot-long boat capsizing, said Florida Fish and Wildlife spokesman Robert Dube.

At some point, the boaters drifted apart — three women and the girl hanging on to the cooler and three men holding on to the boat. A commercial fisherman spotted the capsized boat Sunday morning, Mr. Dube said, and rescued the men clinging to its bow. The women and girl were soon picked up by the Coast Guard.


Woman gives birth after running marathon

CHICAGO — Amber Miller says she felt contractions minutes after crossing the Chicago Marathon finish line.

A few hours after completing the 26.2-mile race Sunday, the suburban Chicago woman gave birth to her daughter, June.

The 27-year-old is an experienced marathoner who found out she was pregnant after signing up for the race months ago.

Ms. Miller was nearly 39 weeks pregnant by Sunday. She figured she’d play it by ear on whether or not she’d run. When the baby hadn’t been born by Sunday, she got clearance from her doctor to run half the race and walk half.

She finished in 6 hours, 25 minutes, much slower than her previous seven marathons.


Police return to missing baby’s home

KANSAS CITY — Investigators in Kansas City climbed through a window that parents said had been tampered with the night their 10-month-old daughter disappeared in an apparent attempt to re-enact an abduction.

Lisa Irwin’s parents reported her missing early Tuesday after her father returned home from work. Her parents said someone must have crept into their home while the child’s mother and brothers slept and snatched the baby girl.

The parents said a front window had been tampered with, and police were seen crawling through one Sunday. An officer was back at the house early Monday for about 10 minutes, walking around to the rear.

He did not speak to the media. Capt. Steve Young, the police spokesman, said only that detectives have been pursuing leads but are “at the mercy of the next good idea.”


Hardware chain offers Halloween ’zombie defense’

LINCOLN — One Midwestern hardware store chain has started an unusual ad campaign, catering to the undead.

Westlake Ace Hardware stores are promoting tools and household items that can be used by the walking dead for “zombie repairs.” The chain is also promoting “zombie defense” for the living. The company launched a website in preparation for Halloween.

The “I am human” section offers chain saws, nail guns and drills for zombie defense. A “me zombie” section includes bolts and fasteners for broken bones, glue and caulk for peeling skin, and deodorizers for decaying flesh.

Alan Kulhanek, general manager for a Lincoln store, says he’s asked for a zombie display because several customers have walked in during the past week asking to see it.

Westlake has stores in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico.


National lab halts some work after leak

GARDEN CITY — A sealed device used to check whether radiation detectors are working properly at Brookhaven National Laboratory leaked a small amount of radioactivity last month, lab authorities said. There was no threat to public health or the environment, but the lab has halted some operations while it investigates.

The radioactivity was later found on two employees, in a parking lot and private vehicle, and in one of the facility’s buildings, the lab said. The lab is reviewing policies, procedures and training programs.

“Even the leak of a small amount of radiation is unacceptable,” George Goode, assistant director for environmental safety and health at the lab on eastern Long Island, said Monday. “We are treating this very seriously.”

The lab announced Friday it shut down all radiological operations after the Sept. 28 leak.


School ordered to turn over fundraising records

PROVIDENCE — A federal judge has ordered Brown University to turn over fundraising and donation records of an alumnus whose daughter says she was raped in 2006.

Judge John McConnell Jr. last week ordered the school to release the documents, which were requested by lawyers for William McCormick III and his parents.

Mr. McCormick is suing Brown, his accuser and her father. He says he was falsely accused of rape and unfairly pressured to leave school.

The woman’s father is a wealthy Brown alumnus and donor. The school has two weeks to turn over the documents dating back to Jan. 1, 2000.

Brown objected, saying the father should produce the information.

The judge also ordered Brown to turn over unredacted employee emails, which were previously handed over with about 100 items blacked out.


’Superhero’ arrested, accused of assault

SEATTLE — Seattle police say the young man who claims to be a superhero named Phoenix Jones was arrested after he was accused of assaulting several people with pepper spray. But, wearing his mask and his bulging muscle bodysuit, the self-styled vigilante said he was only trying to stop a brawl.

The encounter happened outside a nightclub early Sunday. Police said two men chased after Mr. Jones. Officers broke up the two parties and arrested the costumed 23-year-old.

Mr. Jones released a video on his Facebook page that he said shows that he used the spray after being attacked. He said he wouldn’t “ever assault or hurt another person if they were not causing harm to another human being.”

Mr. Jones and supporters have been conducting late night patrols since last year in Seattle.

From wire dispatches and staff reports

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