- Associated Press - Sunday, November 6, 2011

Herman Cain’s rise as a presidential contender was supposed to prove that race didn’t matter in the Republican Party. Mr. Cain is fast making it the only thing that does.

The black conservative is trying to navigate around allegations that he sexually harassed at least three women, implying that the accusations surfaced because he is black. Hours after the claims were reported, Mr. Cain’s supporters branded his trouble a “high-tech lynching.” That’s the term coined 20 years ago by another black conservative, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, after his confirmation hearings for the court were rocked by allegations of sexual harassment.

Mr. Cain’s supporters have pinned blame on a GOP presidential rival, on liberals afraid of a “strong black conservative” and on mainstream media interested in “guilty until proven innocent.” But by playing the race card with the Thomas precedent, his backers belied the “post-racial” America that President Obama was said to have brought about in the United States.

It’s not a post-racial world, “it’s a partisan world,” said Merle Black, an Emory University political science professor and author of “The Rise of Southern Republicans.”

Mr. Cain’s success in Republican straw polls was considered by many, especially black conservatives, proof that America was finally ready to consider candidates according to ideas, not race. Mr. Obama was elected the nation’s first black president in 2008 behind a strong vote from minorities, liberals and independents. Few of them are affiliated with the GOP, the party of Abraham Lincoln that lost favor with minority voters behind its 1960s “Southern strategy” of wooing white voters who were unhappy over civil rights legislation.

The GOP is eyeing blacks with new appeal, as evidenced by the rise of conservatives such as Mr. Cain; two former secretaries of state, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice; former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma; and current Reps. Allen B. West of Florida and Tim Scott of South Carolina.

Blacks, in turn, are intrigued by conservative positions on gun rights, abortion and gay marriage, as well as disdain for tax increases. Conservatives and the current force in Republican politics, the tea party supporters, say this shows there is no bigotry on their end of the political spectrum.

“It’s a new world,” said Republican political operative Warren Tompkins of South Carolina, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired and where Republicans voted against a son of legendary Sen. Strom Thurmond in a GOP primary and sent Mr. Scott to Congress. “It’s not about the package, it’s about the message.”

But that doesn’t mean that talking about race for political advantage is passe. Some conservatives immediately turned the narrative that way once the Cain allegations became public.

“Just like they did to Clarence Thomas, they are engaging in a ’high-tech lynching’ by smearing Herman Cain’s reputation and character,” Jordan Gehrke of AmericansforHermanCain.com wrote in a fundraising appeal.

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