Thursday, November 3, 2011

I am all in favor of candidate debates (“No consensus candidate in Iowa caucuses,” Web, Sunday). Perhaps I would prefer there be fewer of them than the Republicans seem to be planning, but debates are fine. However, instead of the candidates continually talking about how different they are from one another, they would be better off sitting around the campfire coming up with a group plan to kick President Obama to the curb.

I know that after the primaries there will be hugs and high-fives all around, but I am frankly tired of hearing Ron Paul stamp his feet if he doesn’t get his way. I am frustrated with Herman Cain trying to prove that he is “black” enough to be president. All the candidates have their own particular quirks and baggage to contend with. In my view, only one candidate has the experience and historical grasp of America’s past to be president, but his own personal baggage is an obstacle.

They had better come to an understanding that whoever is nominated will be openly supported by the other candidates, and then they must decide how each and every primary candidate can fit into a new administration to bring this nation back from the brink of socialist insolvency.

If the Republicans cannot come together right now in a united front against Mr. Obama, I will vote again, as I did in 2008, for myself as president and my 93-year-old mother as vice president.



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