Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead, thanks to the brave men in the U.S. military. God bless our troops. As a veteran, I know we must never doubt the ability, drive or determination of our armed forces to accomplish any mission put before them.

Bin Laden wanted to die for Islam and our U.S. military special operations teams granted his evil wish. They proved once and for all that our enemies can run and hide but they cannot escape American justice. No part was played by any Muslim country in this great victory. The fact is that moderate Muslims in our nation and throughout the world have sat on the sidelines of this war, unwilling to cheer for their “infidel” defenders and unwilling to take on their radical Muslim kin themselves. Shame and disgrace is theirs to wear in this conflict.

Once again it was the Judeo-Christian, Western, civilized world that had to do their dirty work. That the “infidels” again protected the Muslim from his own brother is the reality of this war on terror. You need only to look at Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya to see this truth.

The fact is that the extremist version of Islam practices oppression, violence and hate. Just ask any Jew in Israel or Christian in any radical Muslim nation. What we proved to Muslims worldwide by hunting down and killing bin Laden is that they can live with us in peace or suffer the consequences of violent acts. The choice is theirs to make.


New Alexandria, Pa.

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