- Thursday, May 5, 2011

A celebration is in order now that our superhuman special ops warriors expertly drilled a hole through international terrorist Osama bin Laden’s twisted-brain housing unit. All the military, intelligence and political figures who were involved in planning the death of this scumbag deserve our thanks and admiration. Free rock ’n’ roll and venison barbecue for life from the Nugent tribe.

However, the celebration should be short-lived. There are more terror cockroaches to be hunted down and exterminated with extreme prejudice as soon as possible.

While President Obama’s comments to the American people regarding whacking bin Laden were quite good, he missed the mark by not sending a clear message to the other international terror maggots that no matter where they go and where they hide, the United States will hunt them down and kill them all no matter how long it takes. He should have made it clear that it is the American way.

Bin Laden was a terror figurehead, but he was hardly in control of the decentralized international terrorist cells and lone jihadist wolves who are busy planning more death and destruction in the name of Allah.

We must use all the tools and techniques at our disposal to obtain information from these captured flea-infested maggots. Reports are that aggressive interrogations helped get key information about bin Laden’s courier, which ultimately led to killing bin Laden. It should not matter to Americans which aggressive techniques our intelligence officers use to collect information that could save American lives. What matters is the information.

It also should not matter to Americans how and when we whack these jihadists. All that must be known is that official U.S. policy is to hunt down these devils and grind them into dust. Many of us also enjoy reading and hearing about various military and intelligence tactics used to track, monitor and kill jihadists and assorted other human debris. When it comes to good over evil, I am a tactics junkie.

We do not need civilian trials or military tribunals for these subhuman goat ticks. What we need to do is capture them and use whatever means necessary to extract information out of them and then keep them in cages like the rabid dogs they are until America declares victory in the war on terror. The other option is to exterminate them immediately and all who harbor them. It makes little difference to me.

We would be wise to remember President George W. Bush’s words when he said exterminating these religious nut jobs would take many years. We are in the human-cockroach extermination business for the long haul.

Let’s remember now more than ever that there are voodoo-intoxicated people in this world who hate America and all things good and will do whatever they can to kill as many Americans as possible. Knowing that, the smart move is to whack them first.

Now that bin Laden is swimming with the fishes, let’s make drilling some holes in terror cockroach Ayman Al-Zawahri’s head next. While we focus on finding and exterminating him, let’s kill as many other cockroaches as we can.

I am already done celebrating the death of bin Laden. I am much more excited about how many other jihadist cockroaches we exterminate before the sun goes down tomorrow.

Ted Nugent is an American rock ’n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White and Blue: The “Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & RockAE’N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing).

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