- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Do we have ignition here? Iowa Republicans already have predicted that Rep.Michele Bachmann’s appearance at a Polk County Republican dinner in Des Moines on Thursday night will be “historic,” complete with an announcement from the Minnesota lawmaker that she plans to run for president in 2012. Mrs. Bachmann herself appears to be assuming a serious presidential posture.

“Let’s make Obama a one-term president. We cannot afford another four years of an Obama White House,” she says, later adding, “My family and I are prayerfully considering what the next 18 months or so may bring. We’ve seen incredible support pouring in; the Team Bachmann momentum is building and very encouraging as we look to our next steps.”


It’s not Hollywood in the heartland. Still, Sarah Palin watchers sat upright with the news that “The Undefeated,” a full-length feature film about the former Alaska governor will makes its debut next month in Iowa. The project was financed and produced by conservative filmmaker Stephen Bannon.

“The film is poised to serve as a galvanizing prelude to Palin’s prospective presidential campaign — an unconventional reintroduction to the nation that she and her political team have spent months eagerly anticipating, even as Beltway Republicans have largely concluded that she won’t run,” observes Real Politics national politics writer Scott Conroy.

“The film will also appeal to staunch Palin supporters who have long celebrated her biting rhetoric and conservative populism yet know little about her record in Alaska and have perhaps written her off as presidential material,” Mr. Conroy adds.


“The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left-wing media like Think Progress, the blog for the Center for American Progress, and a TV show on MSNBC, to the supposedly impartial National Public Radio, Soros has impact on the flow of information worldwide,” says Media Research Center vice president for business and culture Dan Gainor.

His four-part foray into the billionaire’s press holdings and related influence continues to reveal the real breadth and heft of it all.

“It gives him incredible influence. Every month, reporters, writers and bloggers at the many outlets he funds easily reach more than 330 million people around the globe. The U.S. Census estimates the population of the entire United States to be just less than 310 million. That’s roughly the entire population of the United States with the population of Australia thrown in for good measure- every single month,” Mr. Gainor adds.


Following revelations of Arnold Schwarzenegger ’s marital infidelity, some members of the California Democratic Party called for an investigation to determine whether the former California governor used state or federal funds in connection with his extramarital activities. And so it begins: The National Enquirer reports he used “state funded security” to cover up his affairs. The response was swift and simple.

“Totally and completely false,” says Martin Singer, counsel to Mr. Schwarzenegger.


Democratic activists are taking on Fox News. Again. And just in time for summer vacation.

“Orbitz, the online travel site that touts its sustainability measures, encourages customers to offset the carbon emissions from travel, promotes eco-tourism, green hotels and hybrid rental cars. Unfortunately, Orbitz undermines all of those laudable efforts by advertising on Fox News, the most pernicious and voluminous source of climate denial misinformation,” says Bob Fertik, president of Democrats.com.

“Fox’s anti-climate agenda is actively slowing our ability to protect the planet. And green-touting Orbitz sponsors climate denial with every ad they run on Fox. Orbitz has a choice. It can stand by its commitment to protect our planet or it can continue to support Fox News with its advertising dollars. We think the choice is a no-brainer. That’s why we’re demanding that Orbitz pull their ads from Fox now.”


Among many things, it rejects tax increases and keeps federal tax levels at 18.5 percent of gross domestic product. And that would be a new “Saving the American Dream,” a fiscal plan from the Heritage Foundation to wrest control of the nation’s economy, with an empathetic eye toward young adults, seniors, families, entrepreneurs and low-income workers.

“The Heritage plan quickly brings the federal budget in balance, keeps it permanently balanced, and starts paying down the debt — all without increasing taxes,” co-editor Stuart Butler says. “Instead, we solve our spending and debt crises by immediately getting entitlements under control, reshaping the role of government, and creating a simple, growth-oriented tax system with greater savings incentives for all Americans.”

See the many details at www.savingthedream.org.


• 65 percent of Americans give negative reviews to the state of the nation’s “moral values.”

80 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of independents and 52 percent of Democrats agree; 76 percent of conservatives, 62 percent of moderates and 50 percent of liberals also agree.

• 14 percent of Americans overall give the nation’s morals a positive review.

7 percent of Republicans, 14 percent of independents and 19 percent of Democrats agree; 6 percent of conservatives, 17 percent of moderates and 20 percent of liberals also agree.

• 18 percent overall give the moral state of the nation a “mixed” review.

11 percent of Republicans, 18 percent of independents and 24 percent of Democrats agree; 16 percent of conservatives, 17 percent of moderates and 23 percent of liberals also agree.

Source: A Gallup Poll of 1,018 U.S. adults conducted May 5 to 8 and released Tuesday.

Tips, quips to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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