- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It’s been five long years since “An Inconvenient Truth” was released. Al Gore’s alarmist docu-drama about climate change ultimately earned the former vice president a reported $50 million and turned him into a movie star of sorts, with multiple speaking engagements and a fawning press. How fawning?

An astonishing 98 percent of broadcast news coverage about Mr. Gore failed to challenge any of the scientific claims about climate in the film, this according to an analysis of 272 network stories by the Media Research Center’s Business & Media Institute. More than 80 percent of the accounts excluded any criticism of the movie or its maker. The complete findings, deemed “science fiction,” can be found at www.mrc.org.bmi.

“Al Gore for president, vice president, czar? His success with ’An Inconvenient Truth’ was used by all three networks to push him to run for president again or accept a position within the Obama administration,” says analyst Julia Seymour. “Mr. Gore is certainly a passionate activist, but he isn’t a scientist. The networks shouldn’t take his interpretation of global-warming science as truth. Rather, they should be skeptical because of his very real political agenda.”


Could Rep. Michele Bachmann utter those famous words, “Yes, I’m running for president” in the next 24 hours? Could be. She’s going to Iowa. The Minnesota Republican and proverbial tea party “darling” is the keynote speaker at a Polk County Republican Party dinner on Thursday night, right there in good ol’ Des Moines - priced at a whopping $75 a plate.

“With rumors that Michele Bachmann intends to announce her candidacy for the Republican nomination for the presidency at the event, tickets are selling briskly,” the practical Iowans advise, calling the soiree a “potentially historic dinner.”


And he’s gone to his home turf to do it. Three Georgia conservatives have signed on to help propel Newt Gingrichs campaign for president through the perilous election terrain. Former Gov. Sonny Perdue and Sen. Zell Miller will serve as national chairmen for Newt 2012; Gov. Nathan Deal will chair Newt 2012 within the Peach State. A cordial Mr. Gingrich describes his new power triumvirate as “good friends with good counsel,” among other things.

“We need a leader who has proven [he] can make big things happen. You dont do big things by being a wall flower,” observes Mr. Miller of Mr. Gingrich, who plans to be shaking hands and kissing babies in Derry and Manchester, N.H. on Wednesday

“There is a lot going on in Washington that can be done a lot better if left to the states,” Mr. Deal adds. “Newt understands the role the federal government should and shouldnt be playing in our lives.”


“Jesse Lee will move from the new media department into a role in the communications department as Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. For the last two years, Jesse has often worn two hats working in new media and serving as the White House’s liaison with the progressive media and online community. Starting this week, Jesse will take on the second role full time working on outreach, strategy and response,” says White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer in an internal memo.


“Any press is good press, right? The Obama administration apparently doesn’t think so. The White House has created a new position dedicated to damage control in the media, but it appears the role will focus on spinning negative stories published on left-of-center websites - or ’progressive’ blogs as the new job defines them - not right-wing news outlets,” explains political correspondent L.A. Holmes.


At least somebody in the nation’s capital will be talking in dulcet tones. Among those engaged in a “special conversation about civility in public discourse” at the very civilized Halcyon House in Georgetown on Wednesday evening:

NBC News correspondent John Seigenthaler, National Journal scribe Major Garrett, Republican Reps. Jack Kingston of Georgia and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, former D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, Democratic strategist Karen Finney and Catherine McLean, former senior adviser to the Hillary Clinton for president campaign.

Their stated mission:

“The exploration and discussion of what it means to ’do the right thing.’ Nowhere has this discussion received greater amplification than in politics lately. From mudslinging to obstinacy, deceit to insult, the national conversation has veered from responsible and upstanding to something very different. Disagreement and diversity of opinion have been used to destroy, rather than create. How do we get back on track?”


• 87 percent of New Hampshire Republican voters have “no idea who they will vote for” in the state’s 2012 primary election.

• 73 percent of New Hampshire’s Democratic voters say they will vote for President Obama.

• 51 percent of the Republicans are “satisfied” with the field of 2012 presidential candidates, 43 percent are not.

• 42 parent say Mitt Romney has the “best chance” of beating Mr. Obama in 2012.

• 40 parent say Mr. Romney is the “strongest leader”; 12 percent cite Rudolph W. Giuliani, 11 percent Newt Gingrich.

• 32 percent of the Republicans would vote for Mr. Romney if the election were held today.

• 9 percent would vote for Sen. Ron Paul, 6 percent would vote for Newt Gingrich.

• 6 percent would vote for Mr. Giuliani and 5 percent Sarah Palin.

Source: A CNN/WMU survey of 347 Republican and 289 Democratic voters in New Hampshire.

Details, noise, the pitter patter of applause to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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