Monday, May 23, 2011

How do President Obama and his accomplices on the left get away with not bearing responsibility for the current gas crisis? When the price of gasoline went up a penny on President George W. Bush’s watch, the left excoriated him. Thankfully for Americans, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s attempt to raise taxes on U.S. oil companies failed in the House (“Reid: No cheap gas for you,” Comment & Analysis, Wednesday).

Does Mr. Reid really think the oil companies wouldn’t pass the tax on to the American consumer? There is pain at the pump; it cost me $85 to fill up my car this week.

After adamantly declaring a moratorium on oil drilling, which put a whole industry of people out of work and sent jobs overseas, Mr. Obama now says he thinks we should at least open up some of our offshore lands for drilling. Most Americans can see through this ruse as posturing for the 2012 election. It becomes more obvious every day that Mr. Obama and the so-called “leaders” on the left have no idea how capitalism works or how to grow a free-market economy.

Perhaps they do know but would rather keep us dependent on the government for oil and our every need. Our only hope of digging ourselves out of this mess is to retire Mr. Obama and the current crop of Democrats in Congress, send them back into the real world and let those who understand our Constitution lead.


Berwyn Heights

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