Friday, May 13, 2011

Even with confirmation from multiple reliable sources that enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, obtained the vital information that contributed to the location and killing of Osama bin Laden, President Obama and many of the political left remain in denial.

They claim the methods that produced those results were not representative of American values, and they neglect to credit the use of those techniques in preventing many terrorist plots that could have killed thousands.

President George W. Bush developed policies to protect our citizens, but Mr. Obama puts his ideology and his base supporters’ desires first. Before waterboarding was used on three high-level terrorist detainees, it was determined that waterboarding was not torture, and it was approved as legal. No one was killed by those procedures.

The vast majority of Americans would have no objection to making a vicious terrorist uncomfortable for a short period of time if it meant obtaining information that could prevent thousands of deaths or the destruction of our cities. That is the American value to which we should all subscribe.


Centerville, Mass.

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