Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, I want to thank the many people that made this happen. Let us not forget that the intelligence gathering that led to his demise occurred under the direction of former President George W. Bush and the execution of the plan was performed magnificently by U.S. Special Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Yet the same media that spewed vile commentary for eight years toward Mr. Bush about his treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay and drone attacks now praise President Obama for the killing of bin Laden. Mr. Bush never once strayed from the course or worried about re-election. He made difficult decisions every day after Sept. 11.

It appears that the media frenzy over the death of bin Laden has been focused on the “gutsy” call by President Obama. I wonder just what that so-called gutsy call really was. News reports state that Mr. Obama delayed 16 hours before giving the green light to have bin Laden taken out. Many operatives in the military and the CIA were forced to wait for that decision.

As many in the left-leaning media rejoice over this gutsy call, it seems they are more excited about his prospects for re-election than the actual killing of bin Laden. I think Mr. Obama’s call was all about weighing the chance of failure against that of success. Thank God none of our troops was injured and the mission was a success. I believe that had the mission been a failure, the media and Mr. Obama would have resorted to their tried and true “blame Bush” tactic.

Mr. Obama may have ultimately made the call, but many years of intelligence gathering, planning and Mr. Bush’s policies are what actually led to the death of the mass murderer and terrorist, Osama bin Laden.


Summerville, S.C.

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