Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finally, the blatant nonsense espoused by President Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will reduce debt has been exposed (“Unintended consequences,” Web, Sunday).

The Republican members of the House and Senate challenged the Congressional Budget Office report that claimed the bill would reduce debt, and noted that this report was based on information provided to the CBO by the Democrats.

An additional report noted that $500 billion could not be removed from Medicare, used for health care and still be used to make Medicare solvent. This fact did not deter the Democrats from passing the legislation. At a recent hearing, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius was asked whether this $500 billion would be used to pay for Medicare or health care. Her reply? That it would be used for both.

At last the truth has been spoken and the people have heard it. This was not fuzzy math; this was a deliberate use of false information to achieve political goals and pass a controversial bill that Democrats claimed would reduce debt. The process of passing the bill resembled legislation from a banana republic, and the contents of the bill are worse than anticipated.

Most disturbing, the truth was known but replaced with lies. This is a disgrace for those who willingly participated in this process.


Centerville, Mass.

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