Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Parents need to ask their children’s teachers if and why they would belong to the National Education Association, the huge teachers union that is pushing the sexualizing of our children (“NEA at work,” Culture, Monday).

“Schools need to teach about orgasms,” NEA representative Diane Schneider said at a recent panel discussion. She also said that oral sex and masturbation should be taught in schools as part of more “inclusive” sex education, that curricula must be based on “liberal hetero- and homosexual expression” and that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is “abstinence-based” or if “students are still able to opt out.”

Many Virginia teachers belong to the NEA through its Virginia affiliate, the Virginia Education Association. In fact, the NEA and VEA have been pushing a liberal agenda for many years - and this agenda does not fit in with the freedoms and family values most of us hold dear.


Chase City, Va.

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