Monday, March 7, 2011

Few politicians say what they mean and even fewer mean what they say. Hypocrisy seems to be nonpartisan, so party affiliation does not matter. Most so-called “leaders” feign to be what they are not and assume the mantle of virtue when issuing edicts, regulations and legislation.

After the January shooting rampage in Tucson, progressives castigated “right-wing hatemongers” in the media for inciting the violence. The atrocity, in their opinion, was instigated and inspired by unregulated “hate speech” that should be censored. Meanwhile, nothing has been said about former Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern’s website fight song that calls on workers to “smash” their bosses to the ground and “take the bastards down.”

In January, Massachusetts Democrat Michael Capuano was even heard exhorting his constituents to “get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

Pro-abortion leftists defend and advocate “freedom of choice” - but not for the citizens who are compelled to join unions before they can work and are coerced to pay dues and contribute to political campaigns.

The hypocrites in Congress have imperiled our republic with their insidious duplicity. They require every citizen to prove that they carry health insurance but not everyone must prove citizenship.


Flushing, N.Y.

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