- The Washington Times - Sunday, March 27, 2011


Oh, those excruciating details. Media watchers note that President Obama’s big speech on Libya begins at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, not 8 p.m., the normal start of prime time. The news channels and C-SPAN will be there, and likely, White House-friendly broadcast networks. In theory, Mr. Obama’s earlier start could appease the “Big Three,” which typically air local or syndicated shows in that slot. Such fare is easier to bump than, say, ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars” or CBS’ “How I Met Your Mother”.

Things could get sticky at NBC, though. Even if Mr. Obama appears in the more comfortable 7:30 spot, the network has scheduled a major Bush-centric special to follow. Hosted by the Points of Light Foundation, the splashy one-hour “All Together Now — A Celebration of Service” honors former President George H.W. Bush and is scheduled to air at 8 p.m. The mighty big production was recorded live at the Kennedy Center a week ago.

But a feud continues: Two White House heavyweights laid the groundwork for Mr. Obama’s speech on every Sunday talk show, save one.

“Of course we wanted to get the White House view on Libya,” said a stern Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, at the close of his “Fox News Sunday” program.

“However, they chose to offer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to ABC, CBS and NBC, but not to Fox,” Mr. Wallace told viewers. “Despite the fact that we routinely have more viewers than two of those Sunday shows, the Obama team felt no need to explain to the millions of you who watch this program and Fox News why they have sent U.S. servicemen and women into combat. We thought you’d like to know.”


Two years after it emerged as a political phenomenon, the ever-nimble tea party is ready to rumble, and continues to draw congressional support. Republican Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Mike Pence of Indiana. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Louie Gohmert of Texas and Steve King of Iowa join the Tea Party Patriots at high noon Thursday for a spirited “Continuing Revolution Rally” near the U.S. Capitol.

“As the leadership dithers on budget, tea party activists take to the streets. Members of Congress have abandoned their service to the people by passing continuing resolutions instead of cutting the $100 billion they pledged,” says Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Georgia-based group, which claims 15 million supporters.

“Is it lack or leadership? Is it a lack of courage?” Mr. Meckler demands. “A real budget will spark a national debate on the role of government, and that’s what the American people want.”


“I think President Obama is in big trouble. I don’t think he is in ’impeachable’ trouble, but who knows? The last time a president was impeached it was a Democrat, Bill Clinton, during a Republican House majority. Obama has great support from Democratic senators like Carl Levin of Michigan and John Kerry of Massachusetts, and I doubt Obama would be convicted in the Senate — but he is in trouble.”

(Former “peace mom” activist Cindy Sheehan, now an online radio host at www.cindysheehanssoapbox.com)


Yes, it stands for “What would Reagan do?” And it’s a popular phrase among those who ponder how Ronald Reagan would face modern challenges, based on the former president’s world view and historic legacy. Now comes “What Would Reagan Do?” — the series — anchored by his son Michael Reagan. Each four-minute segment recounts Reagan’s decisions on tricky problems, compared with President Obama’s contemporary methods. The first segment, taped at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif., addresses Libya.

Mr. Reagan the younger is pleased to reveal the “true character and leadership” of Reagan the senior, even as Mr. Obama and others try to “compare themselves with my father,” he says. The newly released episode can be viewed at www.rightchange.com or https://vimeo.com/21439212


Memo to undercover videographer James O’Keefe. Eleven days after the House voted to defund National Public Radio, and 19 days after CEO Vivian Schiller resigned, the former official has a public message.

“I will be back,” she told the recent International Women Media Leaders Conference in Washington. “I will be back in some position at some point in the not-too-distant future.”

Mr. O’Keefe orchestrated two hours of damning footage of another former NPR executive that prompted both the bill and the resignation; Mrs. Schiller, 49 and a former senior vice president of the New York Times, was not specific about her plans. But her intent is clear:

“I’m not done. I certainly plan to stay in journalism. I feel passionate about it,” she said, noting that the hubbub surrounding her last days at NPR was “very stressful” and that she felt the obligation to “stay strong because she didn’t want to fall into the caricature of what women under pressure would be like.”


• 79 percent of likely U.S. voters say members of Congress are more interested in helping their careers than “helping people.”

• 60 percent say Congress has not passed legislation in the last year that “will significantly improve life in America.”

• 49 percent say Congress is doing a “poor job”; 13 percent say it is doing a “good or excellent job.”

• 48 percent say “passing good legislation” is more important than “preventing bad legislation.”

• 36 percent say most members of Congress are “corrupt.”

• 21 percent of Republicans and 10 percent of Democrats agree.

• Source: A Rasmussen Reports survey of survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted March 22-23.

Feuds, farces, facts to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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