- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One has to wonder if congratulations are in order for President Obama. The U.S. economy is in ruins, the country in crisis, the world in chaos. Was this all a purposeful plan, or is Mr. Obama simply an inexperienced, incompetent, bumbling Inspector Clouseau in the White House?

From the day of Mr. Obama’s election, many concerned patriots have warned about his goals. Mr. Obama is a follower of radical Marxist strategy, like Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven’s strategy of overwhelming the system to create economic crisis and chaos.

Based on those strategies, one would be foolish not at least to wonder whether Mr. Obama’s goal from the start was to wreck capitalism; redistribute wealth by punishing, penalizing and demonizing the wealthy; force Americans to their knees to beg for help from big government; and then in response to those pleas, put government in control over every aspect of our lives.

Examine the state of the union and the world under Mr. Obama. Judge for yourselves whether we are in a state of Obamageddon.

The United States is broke. Bankrupt. Insolvent. We’ve spent more and increased the debt more dramatically during the past two years than during any time in history. Alarm bells are ringing with the news that our deficit for last month was the highest in history ($223 billion). The U.S. government borrows 42 cents of every dollar it spends and has run a deficit 29 months in a row - a modern record. The debt is so immense that if the Internal Revenue Service taxed every U.S. citizen 100 percent, we still could not achieve a balanced budget. If we add in unfunded liabilities, we couldn’t balance the budget if we all paid 100 percent taxes forever. Obamageddon?

States, counties and cities are more broke and insolvent than the federal government. California is so broke, illegal immigrants are being caught sneaking into Mexico. Bill Gross, CEO of the biggest bond fund in the world, just sold all his U.S. municipal bond holdings and invested the proceeds in emerging bond funds. So Mr. Gross now trusts African nations and Brazil more than the United States.

Real unemployment is close to 20 percent, a number not seen since the Great Depression. Small business - which creates about 80 percent of all new jobs - continues to struggle. Only days ago, Robb & Stucky, an upscale national furniture chain in business for 95 years, filed for bankruptcy and announced it was closing all stores immediately. The famous Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas also announced it’s closing its doors after a 59-year run. Even a combined 154 years of success is no match for Mr. Obama’s economic game plan - unless one starts to think that perhaps failure and crisis are the game plan.

We have a union crisis in this country, with Mr. Obama’s best friends and biggest campaign contributors - government-employee unions - pitted against private-sector taxpayers. In Wisconsin, this crisis has led to protests, work stoppages and threats against the lives of union opponents.

The housing market is in dreaded double-dip territory, with declines actually accelerating across the country. Commercial real estate is so bad, landlords are begging the banks to take their keys and take back the properties. The banks are saying, “No, thanks. You keep it.”

Real inflation - including food and energy prices - is skyrocketing. The Federal Reserve is printing hundreds of billions of dollars to buy America’s own bonds, which even China now hesitates to buy. If the Fed continues to debase the currency, bondholders will demand higher interest rates to compensate for higher inflation. Because America owes a $14 trillion debt compounded with an annual $2 trillion deficit, any rise in interest rates would increase payments on the debt to the breaking point. Interest payments would crowd out all other forms of government spending.

Under Mr. Obama, we are more energy-dependent on the Middle East - a region in flames. Oil has skyrocketed to more than $100 per barrel, yet Mr. Obama refuses to allow any new drilling, exploration or construction of new refineries on U.S. soil. Does this seem like the response of a reasonable man with America’s best interests in mind - or of someone purposely bringing about a crisis to bring the U.S. economy to its knees?

Our southern border is in crisis, with drug wars, violence and murders spilling out into the United States. Border agents are outgunned and outmanned. Mr. Obama’s reaction? Sue the state of Arizona for defending its own border. Is this the reaction of a reasonable man or a man looking for a crisis?

In the meantime, we have become a nation on the dole. A record 45 million Americans are getting food stamps. One-sixth of all personal income in the United States is now provided by government. Are we building a future for our children to be productive and competitive in this world? Mr. Obama’s own education secretary announced days ago that 82 percent of all public schools are failing. What would you expect from a president owned by the teacher unions?

Can it get worse? Sure, the National Football League could go on strike and we wouldn’t even have football as a distraction any more. Uh-oh.

The country formerly known as the United States of America is now the Crisis States of America. All we can say to Mr. Obama is congratulations - “Mission accomplished.”

It really doesn’t matter if Mr. Obama is doing this on purpose or not. With friends like this, who needs enemies?

Welcome to Obamageddon.

Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian vice-presidential nominee and author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empow- ering the Citizen Revolution With God, Guns, Gold, Gambling & Tax Cuts” (Wiley, 2009). He writes at RootforAmerica.com.

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