Friday, March 11, 2011

In a recent letter, a reader lamented, “How sad that there may never be another Ronald Reagan come our way again.” My response: Hold on, we’re coming.

I grew up during the Reagan years. He was my political idol as I formed my own opinions. In 1990, my high school term paper protested the left’s glorification of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and was titled “Ronald Reagan: The real man of the decade.”

I just turned 38, so I’m barely eligible to run for president, but mine is the generation that grew up as Reagan conservatives - advocates of small government who think, as the Gipper did, that “government is not the solution to the problem; government is the problem.” We believe in a strong national defense, traditional family values and the right to personal liberty.

My friend Todd Young was recently voted into Congress from Indiana’s 9th Congressional District. We are part of a rising tide of conservatism and fiscal responsibility. We are just too young to have reached the highest levels of government.

Just be patient. Maybe in 10 to 15 years from now, this country will have another President Reagan, molded by the original rugged individual himself.


Mountaintop, Pa.

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