Thursday, June 9, 2011

I lived in Pennsylvania during the 2004 Republican senatorial primary. I supported conservative Pat Toomey against liberal Republican Arlen Specter. Former Sen. Rick Santorum, now a presidential hopeful, endorsed Mr. Specter in the very tight race.

Thanks in part to Mr. Santorum’s endorsement, Mr. Specter won by a mere 17,000 votes with more than a million votes cast.

Later, Mr. Specter switched parties and officially became a Democrat, in which iteration he voted for Obamacare. The plan passed the Senate on Dec. 24, 2009, with a filibuster-proof vote. I hold Mr. Santorum’s endorsement of Mr. Specter in part responsible for the passage of Obamacare.

Republicans have to send a strong message by stymying Mr. Santorum’s campaign for the Republican nomination for president. We will not support anyone responsible for helping to pass the unconstitutional Obamacare.


Newport News, Va.

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