Friday, June 3, 2011

It’s time to take off the gloves and get with it. Whoever the Republicans select as their presidential candidate, that person had better be ready to take on the Democrats, nose to nose.

Nice stuff won’t hack it. They should give the facts, but speak them with passion to counter the slashes aimed at them by the liberal left.

President Obama has already turned so-called objective, tax-free trips into clear political jaunts, taking numerous potshots at conservatives. The re-election campaign for the Democrats has already begun while the Republicans are still busy fiddling their violins.

The liberals use passion to avoid facts so conservatives must use equal passion (if not more) to show the facts as they are. They shouldn’t be afraid to shout and wave their arms. Case in point: When he was a senator, Mr. Obama shouted and waved his arms and Sen. John McCain just smiled benignly at the cameras. He didn’t resonate with people, especially the young. Mr. Obama was young and energetic, while Mr. McCain seemed old and passive.

The Tea Party has upset the status quo in both parties. Sadly, some of the Republicans are ignoring the Tea Partyers and acting like ostriches with their heads in the sand. They’re liable to get goosed that way.


Franklin, N.C.

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