Thursday, June 23, 2011

Now that Congress has lost Anthony D. Weiner, it ought to start living more modestly (“Dems expected to keep Weiner’s seat,” Web, Politics, June 17).

Each member of Congress gets a generous office budget allotment. It provides money to hire a sizable staff both in Washington and back home in the members’ states or districts. As a congressman, Mr. Weiner had a staff that handled many of his duties for him.

Congress has short work days and extended weekends. Members get plenty of time off and still get their full salary. As a member of Congress, Mr. Weiner had the time to send inappropriate messages to various women.

The Weiner escapade shows that members of Congress get too much taxpayer money and have too much free time on their hands. Congress should undergo a 25 percent cut in pay and have members’ office budget allotments cut in half.

Members should be ineligible for federal government benefits. They should be required to rely on Social Security and personal saving plans for their retirement, like most Americans. Members of Congress should be required to buy their own health insurance with after-tax dollars back home in their states or districts.

Forcing Congress to live modestly might keep the members out of trouble and put them back in touch with most Americans.


Bacliff, Texas

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