Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Congress, the president and other appointed government officials take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Unfortunately, it seems that to some of those people, enforcement of laws is a pick-and-choose situation.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. didn’t pursue the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation. And Mr. Holder still refuses to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act passed by Congress. Yet he sued Arizona for passing a law to adhere to federal law regarding illegal aliens. He doesn’t sue states that violate the federal law by establishing sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens.

Also, Mr. Holder, with the president’s complicity, is treating the CIA staff who helped locate Osama bin Laden like criminals. Terrorists, meanwhile, are treated with kid gloves and given due process even though they killed Americans as an act of war and, undoubtedly, would do so again if they could.

The oath taken by elected and appointed officials doesn’t state that one can select which laws to enforce and what provisions of the Constitution to uphold. So why is Congress sitting back and not doing something to enforce the laws of our land? It seems to me that if persons who have responsibility to uphold the laws don’t do so, they should be removed from office.


Mount Vernon

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