- Tuesday, July 19, 2011

“I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. … I have that memory which is seared - seared - in me,” claimed Sen. John F. Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, explaining the foundation of his anti-war politics. It was a lie. “Her breathing became labored and then she breathed her last breath,” explained an emotional Democratic Vice President Al Gore, claiming how his sister’s lung cancer death formed the foundation of his anti-tobacco politics. It was a lie.

“I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child,” claimed Democratic President Bill Clinton, explaining the foundation of yet more government expansion. It was a lie.

“I will never forget watching my own mother … worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a pre-existing condition,” claimed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, explaining the foundation of Obamacare. This too was a lie.

Recent revelations by author Janny Scott in “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother” (Riverhead Hardcover, 2011), show that Stanley Ann Dunham, the president’s mother, was in fact well-insured and, what’s more, her health insurance company - those evil corporatists - never attempted to deny payment for her health care. Stanley Ann’s out-of-pocket expenses amounted to “several hundred dollars a month.” A year after her cancer diagnosis, Stanley Ann applied for disability insurance, for which she was understandably denied. Again, it was disability insurance, not health insurance.

But there’s more to this story. As I wrote in my own eBook, “First, Do No Harm,” (HarperCollins, 2011), Barack and I share not only family ties, but also the scars of losing an influential parent far too young. Lessons learned from those tragic events now influence our national health care debate but, sadly, it’s clear that the president’s predetermined agenda disregarded the facts on the ground. What’s more, even the newly uncovered deception misses the bigger point of Stanley Ann’s health care, which I described:

“Thus he wrote in ’Dreams from My Father’ that he lamented seeing his mother ’suffering because of a broken [American] health care system.’ But he ignores the fact that in her hour of need, Stanley Ann, an intelligent, highly educated woman then living in Indonesia, chose America’s health care system above all others. And it wasn’t the system that failed her. In fact, she was quite fortunate to receive the best of care at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York (and later the Straub Clinic in Hawaii).”

Are we to believe that Stanley Ann’s medical co-payments were beyond the means of her loving son, who by this time was a Harvard Law School graduate flush with a six-digit signing bonus for his first book? Moreover, are we as Americans to tear down the finest health care system in the world based on - let’s be honest enough to call them what they are - lies?

The president’s mother wasn’t the only poor soul who was reduced to an emotional blackmail pawn used in the dismantling of America’s health care system. Journalist Michelle Malkin brilliantly cataloged similar phony sympathetic stories peddled by Mr. Obama and his Obamacare proponents, including Otto Raddatz, Robin Beaton, John Brodniak, Natoma Canfield and Tiffany Owens (whose young son, Marcelas, stood beside Mr. Obama at his health care signing ceremony). Each of these poor soul’s heartbreaking stories of a failed system were just that - stories - fabricated by Team Obama and his co-conspirators in their zeal to nationalize our health care system at any cost.

Dishonoring the dead with deception, as pathetic as that is, barely scratches the surface of the Obamacare falsehoods. You can keep your current doctor: Lie. You can keep your current insurance: Lie. Hearings will be made public: Lie. The deficit will be reduced: Lie. Four hundred thousand jobs will be created immediately: Lie. There are no death panels: Lie. Taxes won’t be increased on families earning less than $250,000 a year: Lie. And all of this comes before the first Obamacare waivers exempted the White House’s best friends from the rules that you must follow.

This degree of dishonesty is not merely taking a mulligan on the back nine or fudging a couple of pounds on your driver’s license. There’s something far more sinister at work here. America is being “fundamentally transformed” by deception, and the explanation is simple: demographics. In America, self-proclaimed conservatives outnumber liberals by a ratio of 2-to-1, according to Gallup, or, more recently, almost 3-to-1, according to Rasmussen. How else is a power-hungry ruling class to pry ever-more liberty from the people, other than to prey on Americans’ higher angels of compassion with the demon of deception?

Health care is, of course, but a single - albeit critical - front in the deceptive battle for your liberty. The Earth hasn’t warmed in nearly 15 years, yet global warmists demand you surrender even more energy freedom to them with the “cap-and-trade” scheme. Government, not Wall Street, spawned the subprime mortgage implosion of our economy, yet regulators demand you surrender even more financial freedom to them with the Dodd-Frank Act.

Now America is in slow-motion death throes because of an unfathomable $14.5 trillion federal debt, plus another $62 trillion in unfunded federal liabilities. Your individual share? $245,000. That’s not a typo. Unless you can cough up a cool quarter-million, you might consider supporting the Republicans’ “cut, cap and balance” proposal. Or, if you believe him, the president - who previously claimed that “raising America’s debt limit is a sign of [presidential] leadership failure,” whose own mother’s death is not too sacred for use in his wanton deception - has now found a more suitably sympathetic, emotional hostage: your grandma. If the debt ceiling is not increased, if the president is not allowed to continue his wild orgy of spending, then he claims he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on time. That is, if you choose to believe him.

Dr. Milton R. Wolf is a board-certified diagnostic radiologist and cousin of President Obama. He blogs at MiltonWolf.com.

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