American businesses are not able to add enough jobs to offset growing unemployment. Americans who once took pride in what they produced know only too well what happened to their jobs. “Made in China” (or other countries) is stamped on just about every product. We do not make much of anything in this country anymore. When Ross Perot used to say, “That giant sucking sound you hear is the sound of American jobs going abroad,” he sure was right. America’s manufacturing is gone. The pending trade agreement with South Korea will contribute to that “giant sucking sound.”
We pay high prices to gas up our vehicles and heat our homes. The United States has tremendous oil reserves right here, yet we cannot produce our own oil. Last year, the federal government shut down some of our offshore oil production, killing even more jobs. To add insult to injury, massive illegal immigration across the southern border continues unabated, and once they’re here, illegal immigrants put even more Americans out of work.
So we export valuable, productive American jobs and import low-wage earners to take whatever service jobs are left. Is this the new world order?
Bluffton, S.C.
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