Friday, February 18, 2011

Extension of the George W. Bush tax cuts was the only good thing that came out of the previous Congress and President Obama’s White House, but now the president is back to his overspending ways with his fiscal 2012 budget (“Obama’s budget blarney,” Comment & Analysis, Wednesday). The previous Democrat-controlled Congress hid behind closed doors to concoct a plan to take over health care. It drove up the national debt so high that monthly interest payments are in the billions. It put America on the path to insolvency with economy-busting rules and regulations for finance, industry and energy. Overall, the size of government and its spending increased 25 percent.

Now, after voters rejected the lame-duck Congress and passed control of the House to Republicans, Mr. Obama is making a veiled attempt at political triangulation. He’s using a dash of snake-oil doublespeak and budget blarney while wasting tax dollars on ineffective green energy, the rapid-rail-to-nowhere project and our failing education system. Thus, he is playing voters for fools, which makes his re-election chances even dimmer.


Apple Valley, Calif.

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