Friday, February 18, 2011

President Obama can talk the teleprompted talk but cannot walk the walk. His just-released budget for the coming fiscal year reveals an unserious man preparing to kick the deficit and debt problems down the re-election road (“Obama’s budget blarney,” Comment & Analysis, Wednesday). He is revealed as a pretender attempting to appear as a fiscal conservative while not making the needed hard choices.

Mr. Obama appointed a bipartisan deficit commission, which produced a legitimate guide for anyone with a serious interest in meeting the challenges that threaten to sink the nation. However, in true flimflam-man fashion, he consigned the report to the shelf where inconvenient reports collect dust.

We’ve gotten a budget devoid of tough choices, one that’s a political line in the sand to Republican deficit hawks. The question is whether the hawks in both parties will swoop down on this political morsel or join Mr. Obama in his game of delay.



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