Friday, December 2, 2011

Despite growing the federal debt from $10.6 trillion to $15 trillion in less than three years, during a Scranton, Pa., campaign stop last week, President Obama touted his record as a tax-cutter.

“I know you hear a lot of folks on cable TV claiming that I am this big tax-and-spend liberal,” Mr. Obama said. “Next time you hear that, you just remind the people who are saying it that since I’ve taken office, I’ve cut your taxes.”

My question to Mr. Obama is that since he has no problem whatsoever driving deficit spending to exponential levels, why doesn’t he just end the charade and sign into law permanently not just the George W. Bush tax cuts, but a further slashing of taxes, which would put more money in taxpayers’ pockets? What better way to silence the cable-TV talking heads he referenced last week than by doing that?

Furthermore, according to Mr. Obama, because of him, “the average family’s tax burden is among the lowest it’s been in the last 60 years.” With out-of-control entitlements that weren’t even implemented in 1951 consuming the national coffers, I find this statement very hard to digest. (Remember that in 1951, there was a genuine budget surplus.) I challenge the president to explain this statement - which generated wild applause with the Scranton crowd - to the American people and make me a believer that he’s truly a tax-cutter.


Medford, N.Y.

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