Monday, December 12, 2011

If I understand the principles of Christianity correctly, we as Christians must forgive those who have acknowledged the fact that they have made mistakes. And mistake-makers include us all.

What I’m wondering is why Newt Gingrich has to keep explaining his past to everyone who asks. Mr. Gingrich has acknowledged that he has made mistakes. Enough said.

Has President Obama ever acknowledged the fact that he sat and listened for 20 years to a preacher who has little or no respect for America? Has he acknowledged the close relationships he had with unsavory people, among whom is a self-professed terrorist by the name of William Ayers? I can answer both of those questions: no.

Do we want a president who can acknowledge that he has made mistakes or do we want a president who is so arrogant that he believes he hasn’t made any?

We have heard a lot about flip-flopping this election cycle. Each candidate is accused of changing his mind on some important issue. Frankly, I have no problem with mistakes as long as the candidate understands there was something wrong with his previous stance or association and now believes there is a better way to do things.

I also believe the leader of the Free World is as entitled to repentance as the rest of us. As far as I m concerned, Newt Gingrich already has repented.


Jacksboro, Texas

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