- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 9, 2011


“Our economic news is disheartening and the task before us can seem daunting, but we must not lose our sense of optimism. People look around today and may see only the negative. They see a culture and a nation in decline, but that’s not who we are. America must regain its optimistic pioneering spirit again,” says Sarah Palin in a new Facebook entry.

“Our founders declared that ’we were born the heirs of freedom.’ We are the sons and daughters of that Greatest Generation who stormed the beaches of Normandy, raised the flag at Iwo Jima, and made America the strongest and most prosperous nation in the history of mankind. By God, we will not squander what has been given us! Our destiny is still in our own hands if we pick ourselves up and act responsibly and quickly. We must all get involved.”


“Texas Gov. Rick Perry will start in a strong position relative to other candidates if he decides to enter the presidential race soon. Perry’s positive intensity score is the highest of any Republican tested, and significantly higher than that of presumptive GOP front-runner Mitt Romney,” says Frank Newport, director of the Gallup Poll.

The “intensity” score gauges the candidate’s image; Mr. Perry garners a 25 on the scale, which ranges from 1 to 30. He’s followed by Herman Cain at 22, Rudy Giuliani (20), Sarah Palin (18), Rep. Michele Bachmann (18) and Mr. Romney (14).

“Perry at this point outshines Romney in terms of generating enthusiasm among those who recognize him. If Perry maintains this position as his recognition increases, he has the potential to take over the front-runner position from Romney,” Mr. Newport notes. “At the same time, the increased scrutiny that comes from being an official presidential candidate could make it difficult for Perry to maintain his currently positive image.”


First it was migraine media. The mainstream press was eager to deliver in-depth coverage of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s occasional headaches, suggesting they were a serious impediment to her presidential bid. Now comes part deux, a Newsweek cover with an unflattering portrait, emblazoned with the title, “Queen of Rage.” But the attempt to vilify the Minnesota Republican has fallen flat.

Conservatives naturally lunged on the cheap shot like a big dog. But the disgust went beyond Mrs. Bachmann’s home turf. Among other critics, and their comments: The National Organization for Women (“sexist”), The Washington Post’s Reliable Source (“clearly a bid for outrage”), Women’s Media Center (“media sexism”), CNN news host Carol Costello (“Are Republican women unfairly criticized?”) and Mediaite analyst Tommy Christopher (“b-[expletive]”).

“Michele Bachmanns intensity is galvanizing voters in Iowa right now and Newsweeks cover captures that,” tweeted Newsweek editor Tina Brown, in defense of her magazine.


ground zero: Acceptable term for the World Trade Center site.

9/11: Acceptable in all references to describe the attacks in the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. Not 9-11 or 911.

twin towers: Lowercase this popular term for referring to the two tallest buildings in the World Trade Center complex. Also lowercase north tower and south tower.

— From the new Associated Press “Sept. 11 Style and Reference Guide” for the upcoming coverage of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.


More information on President Obama’s heartland campaign bus tour: the White House appears to have borrowed a page from the tea party playbook:

“On August 15-17, President Obama will travel to the Midwest on a three-day economic bus tour, making stops in southern Minnesota, northeastern Iowa and western Illinois. The President will discuss ways to grow the economy, strengthen the middle class and accelerate hiring in communities and towns across the nation and hear directly from Americans, including local families and small business owners. The President knows we must do everything we can to promote economic growth, restore confidence in our nations future and restore the sense of optimism for future generations.”


“Attention Iowa pro-lifers. Before you vote in the Ames Straw Poll on Saturday, you should know which candidates for President truly stand up for life. The Susan B. Anthony List asked each candidate to sign a leadership pledge committing to key pro-life goals Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Thad McCotter, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum all signed the pro-life leadership pledge,” says a new outreach ad from the Susan B. Anthony List, to be heard on 60 stations in Iowa beginning Wednesday.

“Make your vote count. Because America needs a pro-life president,” the spot concludes.

“The candidates who signed our pro-life leadership pledge have demonstrated that mere lip-service to protecting women and the unborn is not enough,” says Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life group. “I must be backed up by concrete action. It will take this type of strong leader to defeat the most pro-abortion president in history.”


• 55 percent of likely U.S. voters say members of the tea party are not “economic terrorists”; 74 percent of Republicans agree.

• 29 percent of voters overall say tea partyers are economic terrorists; 53 percent of Democrats agree.

• 16 percent of voters overall are undecided.

• 47 percent say the tea party “made things worse for the country” during the budget debates.

• 73 percent of Democrats agree.

• 37 percent overall say the tea party “made things better for America.”

• 53 percent of Republicans agree.

• 14 percent overall say the tea party has had “no impact,” 11 percent are undecided.

Source: A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted Aug. 5 and 6.

Indecorous chatter and promising rumors to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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