- Monday, August 8, 2011

Younger Olsen sister nixes ’Sex and the City’ rumors

Elizabeth Olsen may love the HBO series “Sex and the City,” but that doesn’t mean the “Silent House” actress feels she could fit in with show’s four single New York City women.

In an interview with OK! magazine, the 22-year-old sister of twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen denied rumors that she will play a younger version of “Sex and the City” lead Carrie Bradshaw in a potential prequel film.

“My friend who loves blogs told me about [the reports] when it was happening, and it’s not real,” Miss Olsen told reporters at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association Luncheon in Southern California over the weekend.

The New York University graduate went on to say she enjoys “Sex and the City” but doesn’t have what it takes to pull off the role.

“I love ’Sex and the City,’ and I would never pretend like I could ever be one of those ladies. … No one is as cool as Carrie Bradshaw!” Miss Olsen said.

She said something similar to InStyle.com on Friday, “I’m like the biggest fan of ’Sex and the City,’ and that’s why I would never do that!”

Earlier this summer, the Daily Caller interviewed “Sex and the City” author Candace Bushnell, who came to D.C. to promote the book’s prequel, “Summer and the City.” During the sit-down chat, Miss Bushnell addressed the buzz around possible “Sex and the City” prequel flicks and said she’d be interested in seeing 19-year-old Disney star Selena Gomez portray a young Charlotte York.

Miss Bushnell’s novels “Summer and the City” and “The Carrie Diaries” track Bradshaw’s teenage, high school and travel adventures before the fictional character becomes a well-regarded New York City sex columnist.

Levi Johnston’s sister says pregnancy was planned

Mercede Johnston, the sister of Levi Johnston, says Bristol Palin’s pregnancy was no accident.

“Levi never liked [Bristol] to drink since it just made her more promiscuous,” Miss Johnston said in an interview with Playboy, according to the New York Post. “Bristol’s pregnancy [with Tripp] wasn’t … an accident. She and Levi planned it. They were trying to conceive for months.”

Miss Johnston made a similar statement last summer, when she wrote on her personal blog, “[Bristol] and Levi were sexually active and trying to conceive a child. … As hard as it is for many of you to believe, they were indeed TRYING. It was NOT an accident!”

But then Miss Johnston, who reportedly posed nude for Playboy’s September issue, went on to say Miss Palin hoped Mr. Johnston wouldn’t be the father of her unborn baby.

Miss Johnston said Miss Palin had sent a text message to Mr. Johnston, saying, “Ever since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I prayed to God you weren’t the father.”

Miss Johnston did not provide an explanation for Miss Palin’s apparent change of heart.

During the Playboy interview, Miss Johnston blamed Sarah Palin for the fact that she can’t seem to get hired anywhere in Wasilla, Alaska.

“It’s hard to get a job in this town because of the Palins,” Miss Johnston told Playboy. “People say, ’Oh, Mercede Johnston, I don’t know if people are going to come in if she works here.’ “

Miss Johnston also had disparaging words about 22-year-old Track Palin, an Iraq War veteran.

“He did OxyContin and mostly cocaine,” Miss Johnston said of Mr. Palin. “He didn’t choose to go into the Army; he went there because his mom made him, to get him out of the way so when she was at the convention they wouldn’t know he does drugs and would think he was a patriot.”

In June, Miss Palin released her memoir “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far,” which describes Levi as a womanizing “gnat” who “cheated on me about as frequently as he sharpened his hockey skates.” Mr. Johnston’s own book, “Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs,” is slated to hit bookshelves next month.

’Desperate Housewives’ ending after eighth season

The television soap opera “Desperate Housewives” will come to a close after the upcoming eighth season, said Paul Lee, president of ABC Entertainment.

“It is an iconic show, we are so proud of it,” Mr. Lee said at the Television Critics Association summer press tour on Sunday morning. “I just wanted to make sure this show … had its victory lap, had a chance to really set out every episode and build an arc for 22 episodes so we can say goodbye.”

The show, which follows the lives of a group of suburban women as told by their deceased neighbor, has received multiple Emmy, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild awards over the years. Since debuting in 2004, the over-the-top drama has captivated viewers.

“Desperate Housewives” creator Marc Cherry reportedly attended the weekend press tour to talk about wrapping up the program, noting that he has been thinking about this decision for a long time.

“[Ending the show is] something that’s weighed on my mind for quite a while now,” Mr. Cherry explained. “I’ve been working in television for 23 years. I’m very aware of people overstaying their welcome. … I just didn’t want that to happen to ’Desperate Housewives.’ “

Mr. Cherry added that a “Desperate Housewives” spinoff is unlikely.

“The truth is, I sort of thought about that a little bit because it’s one of the expected things you do,” Mr. Cherry said. “But for me artistically, I don’t want to repeat stuff that I’ve done. … That’s probably why I won’t be doing a spinoff. I’m really trying to broaden and deepen and challenge myself.”

The eighth season of “Desperate Housewives” will premiere Sept. 25.

Compiled by Laura Donovan 2011 The Daily Caller

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