Monday, August 29, 2011

American voters and Congress must act now to stop President Obama’s unconstitutional policy, as outlined in an executive order, to give amnesty through the back door to illegal aliens (“Obama’s immigration shake-up,” Commentary & Analysis, Aug. 23).

The president and his administration should be questioned about why they have again bypassed Congress and ignored the law with their radical agenda. It is an insult to our country for Mr. Obama to openly disregard the laws on illegal aliens by not deporting them, as required. At the same time, the administration should be challenged for refusing to strengthen our border security and opposing all efforts, such as those of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, to stop the flow of illegal aliens. The president appears to be appeasing radical groups, which are demanding special treatment for illegal aliens, in an effort to stop the slide of his poll numbers.

The amnesty policy Mr. Obama is attempting to establish is wrong on many levels. It ignores the will of the American people and Congress, provides enemies with another way to infiltrate our nation and set up terrorist sleeper cells and directly insults all those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. It is also a slap in the face of all the American heroes who have given their lives in the attacks against our embassies, installations and the USS Cole, and it shows immense disrespect to the Marines, soldiers and sailors who protect and defend us at home and overseas. They deserve better than blatant disregard for the very laws they risk their lives to defend.

American voters must act now to get Congress to stop this policy. Congress must be asked to protect our citizens and put a stop to the continued disregard by Mr. Obama and his administration of the Constitution and America’s laws.


U.S. Marine Corps (retired)


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