Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Democrats still claim that extending unemployment checks helps the economy and that the new House Republican majority has not passed one jobs bill. President Obama, meanwhile, is repeating his focus on job creation, which he first stated in 2009.

As he has been focused on jobs, his policies have greatly expanded our government workforce, making the taxpayers responsible for these workers’ salaries, benefits and pensions.

Mr. Obama’s policies - in particular, Obamacare - and his support for restrictive Environmental Protection Agency rules have stopped businesses from hiring and creating private-sector jobs.

Rep. John B. Larson, Connecticut Democrat, wants to introduce a bill to replicate the 12-member deficit-reduction supercommittee with a similar 12-member jobs committee. But the group members’ only concern would be to keep their own jobs. Congress does not create jobs, but the previous Democrat-controlled Congress did everything it could to kill them.

As for the claim that the House Republicans did not pass a jobs bill, that is a myth. The bills that the House passed were designed to create jobs simply by getting rid of the Obama and Democrat-pushed legislation that is destroying our economy, hindering private-sector jobs and placing an impossible burden on consumers with higher taxes and fees. The repeal of Obamacare they passed would decrease our deficit, increase jobs and, more important, return medical care for patients to physicians.


Centerville, Mass.

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