Thursday, August 11, 2011

Millions of illegal immigrants have had no problem finding employment in the United States, yet millions of Americans can’t find jobs.

One of the rationalizations used by politicians to justify illegal immigration is that the immigrants will do the jobs Americans won’t do. Are they suggesting that only agreeable work should be required for Americans to have the necessities and comforts of life? Are they suggesting, rather ominously, that Americans are superior to other people in the world?

Moreover, if an out-of-work American chooses to not accept a job when there are job openings for which he is qualified - even if the work is disagreeable - why should others pay for his necessities and comforts?

If the government can force an American to buy insurance, it follows that the same government should compel him to accept a job for which he is qualified so that he can pay for his own keep.

This is one strange unemployment crisis.



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