Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I appreciate the recent column by Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican, from the bottom of my heart (“The danger of underestimating Obama,” Commentary, Tuesday). Mr. Burton has laid out the truth about dismissing Mr. Obama in a most clear, concise and factual manner. This should be required reading for all Republicans in America.

I have agonized over the words of countless writers who said Mr. Obama should do this or that if he wants to solve our problems and get the country back on the right track. It’s all been a waste of ink and paper. Excellent, professional advice was offered to the president, both before and after he took office. There was a virtual consensus of the steps needed to be taken because such measures had worked before under similar economic conditions.

Just before his inauguration, Mr. Obama said we were just days away from beginning the transformation of America. Well, he immediately set off in the opposite direction of the well-intended advice. The happiest person about the drastic financial events of the past few days and weeks sits in the Oval Office. It’s a big milestone in his plan for our financial ruin and for government control over our lives.

The brave troops who died in the recent helicopter crash in Afghanistan - and thousands of others before them - put their lives on the line to protect and preserve this republic against those who wish for our demise. I find it extremely grotesque to see their commander in chief working diligently and deceptively each day to achieve its demise from the inside.



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