Monday, August 1, 2011

President Obama’s chaotic and menacing polemic political arts have been on full display this past week.

His unprecedented use of the pulpit of the Oval Office as an instrument of propaganda to vilify his opposition on the debt-ceiling debate may be the beginning of the end for this administration of narcissism.

At a moment when the president should transcend politics and assert true leadership, he reverts to the gutter, taking license with fact and figure and using histrionics, which are the time-tested tools of a tyrannical mind.

In a word, it is a disgrace. The man is disconnected from the mainstream of this nation. His smooth double-talk and appeals to all while giving no quarter save for those who share his ideological bent have begun to tighten the noose around his own political neck.

His attempt to deflect blame for a debt crisis he brought on by his own hand is wearing thin. His exploitation of both his personal credibility and a crisis he could not let “go to waste” has indeed brought the nation to the financial tipping point. His true “audacity” is to ignore the result of his own actions, moving the nation’s debt levels from 40 percent of gross domestic product to near 80 percent, all the while ignoring the implications on future generations of his warped new entitlement programs.

The edge and panic in his voice are thinly veiled by his speaking techniques. The cracks are there for all to see - and so is the deceit.

This debt-ceiling debate is, in fact, a healthy event, for it is an opportunity to see through the promotion and realize the stakes in 2012.

In fact, this is the people’s chance to not let “a serious crisis to go to waste.” For now we know Mr. Obama no longer has a grip on himself, his party or, increasingly, the country.


Palm Beach, Fla.

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