Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Liberal spin doctors will attack the article titled “Barack Obama: Losing $84 billion big success” (Web, Water Cooler, March 31) and argue that President Obama is a warrior for the American blue-collar worker and that he saved an entire industry.

The sad reality is that Mr. Obama’s attempt to save GM was a political move, driven by special-interest groups, and the American taxpayer was left with the bill. Mr. Obama and the Democrats continue to spout their ability to be fiscally responsible but their actions speak louder than their words ever could. Behind the political rhetoric and jargon, the facts do not lie: Mr. Obama’s administration has sustained America’s fiscal nightmare.

It seems impossible for government agencies to admit failure, learn from its mistakes and correct them in the future. It seems to be a Groundhog Day of wasted spending almost every morning on the cover of newspapers and news programs.

The American people deserve a future president, Democrat or Republican, who can be honest with the American people and devoted to spending taxpayer money responsibly and efficiently.


Alexandria, Va.

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