Monday, April 18, 2011

With several outspoken billionaires including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Soros suggesting that they should and could pay more taxes than they do and President Obama proclaiming that the “fair” tax rate for the wealthiest Americans should be raised from 36 percent to 39 percent, I would like to propose some changes to the tax code (“Spare us the lectures, Mr. Obama,” Commentary, Friday).

Registered Republican or independent voters ought to remain at the current, top tax rate of 36 percent. Registered Democrats will see their taxes increased to 45 percent in order to raise the same revenue from the rich that Mr. Obama thinks is “fair.”

This way, everyone wins: Mr. Obama gets to soak the rich to pay for the left’s social agenda, but only those who agree with Warren Buffett that the rich should be paying more than the 90 percent they currently contribute to federal coffers.


Mountaintop, Pa.

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