Friday, September 3, 2010

The Obama administration is in deep admiration of the illiberal values that stir the radical left (“Obama administration indicts America,” Comment & Analysis, Aug. 26). The administration’s brazen attempt to reinvent the relationship between government and the governed will go down as one of the darkest moments in our republic’s history.

In the lazy days of August, while the first family feigned normalcy on one of its many fancy, hypocritical vacations, the Obama White House unveiled a deep insult to our nation: its despicable report to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. In this tome, the administration laid out all the good that President Obama has done to “correct” and alleviate our own nation’s human rights failings.

This list of supposed do-gooding is as shameful as it is brazen and gutless. It cites as corrective measures such illiberal intrusions as the motor-voter law, Obamacare and the heinous financial services bill, actually a laundry list of reverse-bias radical indoctrinations.

The recent “Restoring Honor” rally on the Mall serves to show that while Mr. Obama may cause damage to our soul, he will not alter the ultimate manifest destiny of this nation.


Palm Beach, Fla.

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