Friday, October 29, 2010

George Soros’ political philosophy, which advocates a culture of abortion, atheism, pornography, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, doctor-assisted suicide and legalized drugs, if realized, would surely mean the end of a free and moral America (“The Soros empire,” Commentary, Friday).

I find Mr. Soros’ politics rather ironic given that he fled Nazi-occupied Hungary as a youth. Mr. Soros uses his vast wealth to fund anti-American policies and leftist politicians with the hope of transforming our constitutional system of government.

Our Founding Fathers warned us about individuals like Mr. Soros. John Adams said that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. Benjamin Rush stated that without religion, there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty. Noah Webster posited that the Judeo-Christian religion is the source of genuine freedom in government. George Washington said that religion and morality are the essential pillars of a civil society. We are at a crucial crossroads in America. If our free and moral form of government is to survive, we the people must stand up against tyranny in all of its forms.


Berwyn Heights, Md.

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