Monday, November 8, 2010

Congratulations are in order for the big gains made by Republicans in the House on Nov. 2. They ran a good race, and they deserved to win. Now it’s time to govern. And I mean really govern. I’m hoping for Republicans who resemble those of yesteryear, Ronald Reagan being one example.

That means compromise. The fact is, Democrats still control the White House and Senate. Are House Republicans going to work with them? Are they going to schedule meetings, invite Democrats to the table and listen to their opinions - something they say they’ve been denied for the past two years?

Or, are Republicans going to pass legislation simply to win points in their districts or on CNN, MSNBC or Fox? Approving legislation that won’t pass the Senate or the White House just so the American people can see them being “proactive ” would not be leadership, but politics. One thing we heard loud and clear on Nov. 2 is that the American people are sick and tired of politics for politics’ sake.

I’m asking our new House to leave politics behind and do what they were elected to do - lead. Give Republicans their good name back. Do it so well that the Democrats have no choice but to follow Republican leadership. Democrats didn’t do much with their leadership over the past two years, and it certainly cost them.


Centreville, Va.

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