Thursday, November 4, 2010

The election results are a “restraining order” and reflect America’s reassessment, if not rejection, of President Obama’s vision of transformation and “change.” His proposals to redistribute wealth, impose higher taxes and increase government control of our lives and economy are incompatible with the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the tenets of the Constitution.

Recent events in Europe dramatically illustrate what happens when governments can no longer afford entitlements to the self-declared “entitled.” Citizens in France and Greece are riotously demanding more government spending, while Americans are peacefully demanding less. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher forewarned that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

If you doubt our liberties and prosperity are in danger, consider Mr. Obama’s ominous warning when, in a recent TV appearance, he likened his health care legislation to “every piece of progressive legislation” like Social Security as a “structure” for the changes to come. His imperious worldview and obstinate adherence to discredited and failed economic theories are matters of record. What is remarkable and dangerous is that, in spite of the Constitution, we would be coerced to fund unsolicited, unwanted, mandatory government beneficence against our will.


Flushing, N.Y.

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