Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fix Obamacare and create jobs

“Conservatarian” is my current Facebook political affiliation status. This past year, I’ve found myself in utter disgust with this country’s current politics, and not just what is going on in the White House. But out of both apathy and disgust I became disenfranchised from my own party. Feeling unmotivated to become part of the Tea Party movement and unwilling to embrace the Republican Party completely, I became a political loner. Giving credit where it is due, the Tea Party does deserve much for drawing awareness to the core principles that have been lost in a political quagmire for so long. Let’s get back to basics: small government, supporting the free market and a strong military to defend and protect our democracy.

It is a new day and we do have a chance to become something great on the “right” side of the aisle again. It is time to rebrand and refocus while checking egos at the door. The direct target of the mission is to fix what is broken and undo what can be undone while sticking to the principles of our Founding Fathers.

It is so painfully simple what Americans want and need now. We need the GOP to focus on fixing Obamacare to take the parts out that stifle business, focusing on policies to create jobs in the private sector, enhancing economic stability with tax cuts, securing our borders, balancing the federal checkbook, quit dancing with the devil on social issues and stop playing footsie with those across the aisle.

A reminder to the GOP: You work for us. All the money that went out to the Tea Party could be yours again. And since this is my imaginary “wish list,” let’s start with a clean slate for the Republican National Committee.

- Greta Perry writes at

Block coming tax increase and find spending cuts

The central message of this election was that Washington’s addiction to spending is unsustainable. Reducing spending and rolling back President Obama’s big government agenda should therefore be Congress’ central focus for the next two years. But before that effort begins in earnest, there will be a “zombie Congress” - full of the political walking dead - later this month. Starting with the lame duck, the resurgent congressional Republicans should insist that this zombie Congress do only two things:

c Extend all current tax rates: If Congress does not act, a $4 trillion tax increase will go into effect on Jan. 1. Congress was both reckless and unaccountable in its decision to adjourn without even voting on the increase. Now they must clean up the mess they left, and pass a full extension of current rates, to help ensure the economy does not deteriorate further.

c Pass a one-year continuing resolution that keeps the government funded at or below 2008 levels. President Obama looked the American people in the eye and promised to reduce federal spending. Now he has a Congress that will help deliver on that promise - and it can begin now.

When the new Congress is sworn in on Jan. 3, members must continue to demonstrate a commitment to cutting excess spending. This should include:

c Establish a joint congressional committee (or if the Senate won’t cooperate, a House Committee) charged with identifying wasteful federal programs that should be eliminated. The recommended cuts should be considered under expedited procedures, rather than being referred to other committees for amendment or delay.

c Make good on plans to reform the appropriations process, eliminate earmarks and allow the American people to recommend savings through the YouCut website. These additional reforms will demonstrate the commitment of congressional Republicans to a smaller and more effective federal government.

c Pass a full repeal of health care: Don’t get caught up in a discussion of “repeal and replace.” While it’s true that pro-consumer health care reform is needed, this is not the time to consider it. First pass a repeal of Obamacare and allow the Senate - and the president - to argue the merits of this turkey.

Lastly, Congress should consider ways to generate new revenue without tax increases. Expanding offshore drilling for example, would promote energy independence, create jobs and yield billions in new tax revenue. Congress should quickly adopt a plan to allow new exploration.

- Brian Faughnan writes at and

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