- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The new U.S. ambassador to Pakistan is strongly defending American drone attacks on terrorist targets inside the South Asian nation, despite public discontent over the unmanned aerial attacks.

“Drone strikes are part of the war on terror, and these are aimed at targeting common enemies,” Ambassador Cameron Munter told reporters, after arriving in Islamabad last week.

“These [attacks] are against terrorists,” he added.

One news story from the Pakistani capital noted that Mr. Munter’s remarks were “rare” because U.S. officials usually avoid commenting on the attacks on Pakistani territory from U.S. bases in neighboring Afghanistan.

Drone attacks target al Qaeda and Taliban hide-outs in the generally lawless region of Waziristan in northwest Pakistan. The attacks have killed several high-ranking terrorist leaders, including Baitullah Mehsud, the Taliban chief in Pakistan.

Critics questioned Mr. Munter’s “false start” in defending the airstrikes.

“The first words out of Ambassador Cameron Munter’s mouth defended the massively unpopular drone bombings,” said the Pakistan Patriot. “His unabated defense of the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistani territories will not go well with the Pakistani people.”

Mr. Munter last week also set out to spread U.S. aid to victims of massive flooding, flying on a military cargo plane to deliver food.

He told one reporter that his goal is to “build trust, not only with the [government] leadership and the military but with the people.”


The International Republican Institute is sending observers to monitor Jordan’s parliamentary elections next month, as the Hashemite kingdom is opening its elections for the first time to foreign poll watchers.

The delegation will be led by Peter Madigan, vice chairman of the IRI board of directors and a former top aide to former Secretary of State James A. Baker III.

Jordan’s King Abdullah dismissed parliament last year, when most Jordanians criticized the legislature for corruption. The king called for new elections by the end of 2010. Voters will elect a lower house that has expanded to 120 from 110 members. The new parliament will include 12 seats reserved for women.


British diplomats might be noted for their stiff upper lips, but this month they will be hairy as well.

The normally clean-shaven Dominick Chilcott, the deputy chief of mission at the British Embassy, is encouraging his male colleagues to join him in growing mustaches as a way to raise money to combat prostate cancer and other diseases affecting men.

The Brits — who always like to give things nicknames, like “wellies” for Wellington rubber boots — are affectionately calling their facial hair “mo’s.”

They have even renamed this month as “Movember.” They call themselves “Mo’Bros,” and their wives or girlfriends who support their lip growth are “Mo’Sistas.” Their fundraising theme is “stiffer upper lips.” Seriously.

“I am thrilled to head up the embassy’s participation in this fund and very important cause,” Mr. Chilcott said. “Along with colleagues across the embassy, I am looking forward to lending my face to the Movember campaign.”

He challenged diplomats at the Australian and New Zealand embassies to compete with the British in raising pledge money from supporters. Last year, the embassy raised $1,600, as part of a global campaign that netted $40 million, he said.

“This new trial by testosterone will pit up pore to pore in a three-way competition where the bragging rights will go to those who proudly bristle most,” he added.

Mr. Chilcott, also sprouting bad puns and referring to a James Bond movie, noted that they will shave their mustaches at the end of the month.

“Hair today, gone tomorrow, some will say,” he quipped. “And that thought provides a quantum of solace.”

Call Embassy Row at 202/636-3297 or email jmorrison@washingtontimes.com.

• James Morrison can be reached at jmorrison@washingtontimes.com.

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