Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The American taxpayer has the opportunity to correct what President Obama’s administration has accomplished in turning our nation into a socialist country. We are not going to take it anymore. We do not want big government to run our lives. Mr. Obama has been a failure in promoting our nation, creating jobs and securing our nation.

Congress has this one opportunity to regain the trust of the American people. They must start by repealing all the legislative actions of Mr. Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They should also repeal all of Mr. Obama’s executive directives, such as new Environmental Protection Agency restrictions.

Next, Congress should overhaul our entire voting system to ensure only legal U.S. citizens with picture identification can vote in future elections. We must also make it easier for military votes to receive fair counting.

The budget should be slashed in many areas. Congress should cut all federal spending by 10 percent and all foreign aid by 25 percent. Taxes, including the alternative minimum tax, should be cut along with other regressive fees and taxes for families and businesses. No more should the debt limit be raised, and the budget should be balanced. Social Security should be overhauled and kept sequestered from the general fund.

Congress should secure our borders and stop all services and jobs for illegals and anchor babies. God and country should be become our national focus once again. The practice of putting liberal judges on the bench for life to degrade our Constitution and laws must end.

It’s time to send Mr. Obama a message that his hope and change have failed. It’s time to set the country back on the right track.


Potomac, Md.

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