Monday, November 15, 2010

The Federal Reserve plans to take $1 trillion or so from one pocket to pay off the debts in its other pocket, thus devaluing the few dollars I have left. This after tax-challenged Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner Jr. told us our debt would never be monetized. Obama adviser Carol M. Browner said something like “Oops, sorry” after tweaking the report from experts looking into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, putting more Americans out of work and helping our “friends” who sell us oil.

Eric H. Holder Jr., head of the Justice Department, ignores polling-place antics of the New Black Panthers, the failure of some states to properly provide absentee ballots to the military and the invasion of our border states, opting to spend our resources on a blatantly political attack against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie over an already resolved travel expense issue. President Obama tells us the reason so many are unhappy with his destructive legislation is that we simply don’t understand how good it is for us.

For once, he is right. If the majority of the people did understand what he is doing, the entire White House cabal would be run out of town on a rail.


Vienna, Va.

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