Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Life imitates art. For years now comedy acts have had us in stitches with fake news shows. Now the real newsmakers star in a self-produced fantasy known as Inside the United Nations (“Master puppeteers,” Opinion, Monday). It is the latest installment being another episode in the long-running charade entitled Iran and Things That Go Boom. The latest round of sanctions, like the first three attempts, is nothing more than international-style Kabuki theater. The laughter you hear is Iranian with some North Korean thigh-slapping as well.

Iran, understanding Western culture better than we who invented it, has played rope-a-dope with the West for years, all the while adding to its stock of uranium-enriching centrifuges that go whirr in the night.

There is nothing in sight with the slightest chance of stopping the nuclearization of Iran and the mullahs in Tehran know it. Perhaps the next iteration of policy will be to cross our fingers over a rabbit’s foot.

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