Friday, July 9, 2010

I continue not to be surprised with the parade of articles being written about decisions made by our president and his appointment picks (“Obama nominee heralded despite ’honorary’ titles,” Web, News, Wednesday). Mr. Obama is proof that common sense and book learning are not necessarily required to obtain a degree from an Ivy League university.

We have elected a president with no qualifications or executive experience. Mr. Obama chose a second-in-command whose use of expletives and constant ability to put his foot in his mouth should deem him unfit for public speaking. Mr. Obama promotes a health plan that neither he nor anyone else in the administration has read in its entirety. Mr. Obama chose an attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., who is suing Arizona over a law he also has not read, only to find out that it is the exact same federal law Mr. Holder is sworn by law to enforce. Mr. Obama has selected a Supreme Court nominee with zero judicial experience and the apparent common-sense deficit of most Harvard graduates.

Given this track record, why are we agog when Mr. Obama appoints a part-time doctor who seems to do medicine as a hobby to run Medicare and Medicaid?

History has known other figures with little to no political experience who have changed the world - generally for the worse. Does anyone recall the once-obscure Austrian house painter, the Russian boot-maker’s son and the Chinese peasant who collectively were responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people?


Gaithersburg, Md.

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