Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alas, British Prime Minister David Cameron can camouflage his real values by cutting defense spending in the name of fiscal conservatism - a ready excuse for a man who remains uncomfortable with an England prepared to assert itself militarily.

Defense Secretary Liam Fox and Foreign Secretary William Hague have long been advocates of reason with regard to Britain’s important role as NATO anchor and as the European linchpin in the trans-Atlantic alliance. But this does not come without the backing of a strong military. Mr. Cameron will have none of this. His meet-and-greet “third way” mentality is just the type of wobble that can put Britain in real harm’s way.

With Islamo-fascism and its state sponsors on the rise at home and abroad, a resurgent Russia threatening and China in the ascent, the risks of continued conflict are real and growing. This is the time for Britain to assert its global role. Unfortunately, such is not Mr. Cameron’s way. We are about see a further waning of Britain’s economic and military clout - and with it a nation more in line with the feeble nature of its pretend-Tory prime minister.

Robert F. Agostinelli


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