- The Washington Times - Sunday, July 4, 2010


Some say the nation needs more than politics to stay grounded. Beginning Monday, Baptist pastor Charles Stanley — founder of In Touch Ministries in Atlanta — is asking Americans to pray for their country in the next 140 days, concentrating on such issues as terrorism, increased taxation, the financial crisis, unemployment, “the rapid erosion of our liberties” and more.

“No nation on Earth has ever been as blessed as the United States of America. I believe this is because our Founding Fathers understood that liberty is a gift from God — one that comes with a heavy responsibility. They framed our government and established our Constitution on the foundation of godly, biblical principles, making this great country unlike anything anyone had ever seen before,” Mr. Stanley tells Inside the Beltway.

“Never throughout world history had there been a nation founded by the people, for the people — with freedom of speech, religious liberty, and such confidence in the common man. This was because these men understood the powerful influence Jesus Christ could have on each and every person for good,” he says, warning that a “dangerous spiritual tide” is adrift.

He noted that a prayer guide can be found at www.intouch.org


Is he a rogue Republican, or just careless? Hubbub continues over Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele’s suggestion that the war in Afghanistan is futile, and belongs to President Obama. For sure, the caterwauling highlights sore points within the party itself and provides a cautionary tale for all officials, a reminder that no one is ever “off the record” these days, thanks to palm-sized video cameras. While pundits scold and liberals cackle, some lawmakers insist Mr. Steele should resign. But not all of them.

“I congratulate Michael Steele for his leadership. He is absolutely right: Afghanistan is now Obamas war. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was out in front in insisting that more troops be sent to Afghanistan. Obama called for expanding the war even as he pretended to be a peace candidate,” Rep. Ron Paul says in a statement to CNN.

“Michael Steele should not resign,” the Texas Republican continues. “Smart policies make smart politics. He is guiding the party in the right direction, and we are on the verge of victory this fall. Chairman Steele should not back off. He is giving the country, especially young people, hope as he speaks truth about this war.”

Mr. Paul adds, “I have to ask myself, what is the agenda of the harsh critics demanding this resignation? Why do they support Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obamas war? The American people are sick and tired of spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year, draining our economy and straining our military. Michael Steele has it right, and Republicans should stick by him.”


“She’s a colorful spice in the general recipe of democracy. She’s a sexy woman. Yes. Me and Sarah. We could do a romance.”

— actor-director Woody Allen on Sarah Palin, to the Australian newspaper


“Are Muslims required to obey non-Muslim governments?” That’s the question 5,000 Muslims will ask during the annual convention of the Maryland-based Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on July 17 in a special session with Naseem Mahdi, the group’s national vice president, says spokeswoman Saima Sheikh. The event will be staged at the Dulles Expo Center in Virginia.

“This historic speech will address a topic that has never been properly addressed by any Muslim leader in the U.S. It will tackle the issue squarely and answer all related questions and merits being covered for the public interest in the U.S.,” she adds.


Andrew Breitbart’s media empire has grown again with BigPeace.com, which joins Big Hollywood, Big Government and Big Journalism in the Breitbart-ian realm of vigilant blogs.

“As the sites resident skeptic of mainstream media accountability, I have noticed that the amount of reporters and media outlets covering national security and the war has dwindled and skepticism over American military commitment has waned now that there isnt a Bush or a Republican in charge,” Mr. Breitbart says. “The war beat is getting short shrift. Big Peace was created to fill this void and to provide biased coverage.”

Yes, that was “biased.”

The new editor is Hoover Institute fellow Peter Schweitzer, contributors include uber-defense guy Frank Gaffney and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the gutsy founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

“The site is pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-American, but will not be an outlet for false information or propaganda,” Mr. Breitbart promises.


Columbia Pictures is intent on conveying the serious overtones of “Salt,” the spy thriller showcasing Angelina Jolie, to open nationwide July 23. On hand to lend gravitas to a press event for the film this week, according to Columbia spokesman Warren Betts: former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, former CIA operative Melissa Mahle, former KGB agent Oleg Kalugin, and Kirk Whitworth, former director of communications for intelligence at the Homeland Security Department.


*88 percent of Americans agree with the phrase from the Declaration of Independence “we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

*6 percent disagree; 6 percent are unsure.

*84 percent agree with the phrase “all men are created equal.”

*13 percent disagree; 3 percent are unsure.

*68 percent agree with the phrase “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed.”

*13 percent disagree; 19 percent are unsure.

Source: A Rasmussen Reports Survey of 1,000 adults conducted June 20-21.

Comments, hullabaloo to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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