Friday, July 23, 2010

It is certainly “racialist” for Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., under pressure from President Obama, to dismiss the case against the New Black Panther Party members accused by white witnesses of voter intimidation during the 2008 presidential election (“Racialist Justice,” Comment & Analysis, Friday). It is equally egregious for the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to have adopted “a policy of refusing to enforce civil rights laws on behalf of whites victimized by minority perpetrators,” in the words of the editorial.

This administration routinely allows reverse discrimination - that is, discrimination against whites - to take place. Consider the following examples.

The Department of Justice shields illegal immigrants living in “sanctuary cities” by not enforcing existing federal law. Meanwhile, it files suit against Arizona, where Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, is trying to protect American citizens and her state’s legal residents by enforcing the immigration law the federal government refuses to enforce.

Most such “sanctuary cities” are in heavily Democratic states, populated by a majority of minorities (who are largely Democratic Party constituents). Within this voting bloc are millions of illegal immigrants deliberately held in abeyance in our country until needed at election time. These illegal immigrants are shielded from prosecution in the sanctuaries until amnesty is granted to them under the guise of the immigration reform bill, giving these lawbreakers the right to vote.

Government officials in these cities are themselves violating the existing immigration law by not reporting to federal authorities the presence of these illegal immigrants in their states.

It is evident that there is a coordinated effort among local, state and federal governments with Democratic Party majorities not to prosecute illegal immigrants or minority constituencies who break laws. It’s a matter of political expediency.

These facts, coupled with Mr. Obama’s startling statement that securing the borders will not happen until his immigration bill has passed, paint a frightful and dangerous picture of a country in fast decline toward totalitarianism, led by an incompetent but committed ideologue who places political advantage before his presidential duty to protect America’s citizens.

It is imperative that we keep elected officials’ feet to the fire in upholding the Constitution by preventing the infringement by illegal aliens and felons upon the sacred right of suffrage granted exclusively to American citizens who obey the law.



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