Thursday, December 9, 2010

The greatest threat today is terrorism from beyond our shores and from within, for all is not being done that should be done in protecting our citizens. Osama bin Laden and his like know that they will have to conquer and divide the free nations to break us.

If we do all that should be done by standing up to him, Britain, America and Europe will stem the enemy advance from within, freeing us from tyranny so life can move on to more peaceful times. If we fail, then the whole world - all that we have built, cared for and treasured - will be forever destroyed.

Therefore, let us do what needs to be done and preserve the way of life cherished by our fathers and their fathers before them by opposing tyranny and terrorism. To prevail, we must not falter or our descendants will say for all eternity this was not our finest hour.


London, England

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